Twenty-First Century World Influencers

Individuals inventing, directing and challenging humanity’s accepted norms to initiate or accomplish real change is the standard set for this list.

Who’s Who 21 began with the new millennium to create awareness of such people without fear or favor and with particular effort to avoid consideration of status in any way, whether financial, academic or social.  Most of those referenced are not ‘famous’, certainly not outside their own circle of associates, yet their impact and potential legacy is global and enduring.

Nominations are submitted by international contributors with expertise or research credentials in every known field and discipline. With the advent of AI, algorithms assist the decision makers to establish those who display the highest probability to influence with widest repercussions. The site is updated annually, with the current leading ten adjudicated then published to continue their acknowledgement or replace their predecessors, every five years.

Since the century began, several thousand eminent persons have provided input in designating the Who’s Who of the 21st century. None receive remuneration and all request anonymity for personal and professional reasons. We trust that through viewing this website you will enjoy greater insight into this amazing era and its possibilities. We expect you may question why the process has arrived at some choices. Our answer is that contributors too are subject to surprises, which always keep us in anticipation of just who will be the next candidates for WhosWho21.com


Steve Jobs

Inventor / Entrepreneur

Steve Jobs was born February 24, 1955, to two University of Wisconsin graduate students who gave him up for adoption. Smart but directionless, Jobs experimented with different pursuits before starting Apple Computers with Stephen Wozniak in the Jobs’ family garage. Apple’s revolutionary products, which include the iPod, iPhone and iPad, are now seen as dictating the evolution of modern technology.

Ricardo Semler

Corporate Visionary

Ricardo Semler is a true visionary who advises businesses on how they can significantly improve performance by restructuring relationships with their people.
His presentations invariably spark creative and productive thinking about how to lead and manage. Ricardo Semler is president of Semco S/A, based in Brazil and the phenomenal success of his book ‘Maverick’ demonstrates an eager interest in workable alternatives to conventional management wisdom.

Michael Persinger

Professor / Neuropsychologist

Some of Michael Persinger’s work addresses the interaction between the geophysical environment, particularly magnetic fields, and human brain structure and activity. It investigates the possibility that emotions and experiences can be induced by the application of magnetic fields to the brain, in comparison to external explanations for alleged experiences of gods and other non-physical beings, including seeing ANGELS and other phenomena.

Michael Talbot


Michael Talbot’s book The Holographic Universe, explores the metaphysical implications that underline quantum mechanics and suggests that that the universe is a hologram (metaphorically speaking). After examining the work of physicist David Bohm and neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, the book argues that a holographic model could possibly explain supersymmetry and also various paranormaland anomalous phenomena and is the basis for mystical experience.

Shirin Ibadi

Nobel Laureate / Human Rights Lawyer

Shirin Ibadi was the first woman in the history of Iranian justice to serve as a judge. After the Islamic Revolution in 1979, she and other female judges were dismissed from their posts and given clerical duties where she was made a clerk in the very court where she once presided.
When the Justice Department classed them as “experts” following their protests, she left to set up practice.

Karl Deiseroth

Psychiatrist / Bioengineer

Optogenetics is the combination of genetics and optics to control well-defined events within specific cells of living tissue, including the discovery and insertion into cells of genes that confer light responsiveness; and the associated technologies for delivering light deep into organisms as complex as freely moving mammals, for targeting light-sensitivity to cells of interest, and for assessing specific readouts, or effects, of this optical control.

Thomas Campbell

Physicist / TOE

Thomas Campbell Physicist, consciousness researcher, author of the My Big TOE trilogy and international lecturer, describes the nature of our larger reality, provides a complete theory of consciousness, and explains our purpose and connection to that larger reality. Along the way, Campbell derives a more fundamental science that directly answers the most pressing problems and paradoxes of modern physics.

Conall Diarmad-Hinds

George Bishop-Hinds

Polymath / International Consultant

George Bishop-Hinds is a permanent member of international consultancy and think tank PR1ME, advising governments, corporations, associations and societies who engage them to provide their unique approach to problem solving; where the challenge is to deliver a single solution for a seemingly insurmountable set of opposing factors. Everything from cyber security to geopolitics to economic scenarios are scrutinized and evaluated by this international organization.

Donald Trump

US President

Donald J. Trump the 45th President of the United States (2017-2021), was both controversial and polarizing from the time he declared his intentions to run for office for his unconventional approach to politics. His administration focused on deregulation, tax cuts, and rebuilding the US economy. His policies and communication style elicited strong reactions, with supporters praising his economic initiatives while critics took offense at his rhetoric claiming it divisive.

Palmiro Khitrova Alekseyev

Engineer / Designer

Palmiro Khitrova Alekseyev has been called the ‘perfect storm’ of Italian design and Russian pragmatism, producing a mobile minimalist art form that is both appealing and beneficial, valuing the desires of the individual, yet serving the needs of society.
Due to his heritage he has continually applied his talent to vehicle design from land based, to amphibious, to aircraft; with numerous mutants in between serving industrial needs.